This is our story, is it yours too?
Were you diagnosed with an illness and handed a food list of products and ingredients you CAN’T HAVE and what you CAN’T DO? And your “medically-approved” food list is smaller than the list of what you can’t have. Next, you are sent on your way and expected to survive???!!!… ARE THEY KIDDING?

What Now?
We Can Relate To This
“What do I eat when I am told I can’t eat anything that I have been eating my whole life?”
A slow and painful one with lots of tears!
We Can Relate To Feeling Alone
Is this your story too?
Trying to figure out meal options that work, filled with lots of beautiful flavors to them?
Trying to find meals that are quick and easy to make that are cost-effective?
This is a daily struggle and you really feel alone because no one is there to help you. Many people don’t even understand how difficult it is. This is not fun at all, especially when the family can eat whatever they want, but now you can’t.
Oh, but wait… the delicious, yummylicious, table full of food is enough to make you eat it anyway and suffer the consequences later.
The dynamics have changed during mealtime. You feel like you have to cook 2 different meals. How frustrating is that? One meal was hard enough!
Just so you know, I did cook 2 different meal options at the beginning of our journey. One we called, “compliant” and the other one “non-compliant”. I know we all come up with different references and this one is ours. What is yours? It’s funny when friends and extended family start using your terminology.
Where Do You Go From Here?
We can relate to feeling lost and not knowing what to do next. How do you find these very limited, new food choices? You ask the medical professionals where do I go to find such food? They told us, probably at an organic food co-op. Then you say, “What is an organic food co-op?” and“Where do I find one of those?“. Click the links to find out more.
The questions just keep on coming.
We Can Relate When You Want To Go Out To Eat
People want to eat at one of your favorite restaurants. But now they don’t have meal options to accommodate your dietary restrictions. So you are left sitting there with raw veggies (probably NOT Organic) or lettuce with no dressing (saw our oldest daughter have to do this many times)… Oh by the way… eat the lettuce with your fingers one leaf at a time to make it last longer. Our other daughter actually did this. I felt bad. At this point, you just want a list of places that you know will accommodate your dietary restrictions.
P.S. We are here to help save the day; click here:“Places For You To Eat“
We Can Relate When You Are Invited To A Party
When a bunch of your friends is getting together to watch movies or hang out by the fire, etc…?
You have to bring your own food because you can’t have anything they will be eating at the party. Makes you feel out of place. Excuse me while I pull out my Gluten-Free, Wheat Free (because there is a difference) Dairy Free, Yeast Free, Lactose-Free, Organic, Soy Free, Oat Free, bag of popcorn. Oops, scratch that, you can’t have that when you have Crohn’s or any form of IBS. Yep, I meant my bag of tortilla chips. Yay, I can bring salsa with it. Whew.
Have you experienced some of these things or maybe all of them?
Can you believe it???? ALL of this has happened to our family. Yes, we have experienced every one of these questions and situations. I felt the pain my kids were experiencing. A friend told me, “Your kids get cut, but you bleed”.
I cry every time I hear that because it couldn’t be more true. Besides the struggle of finding food for them to eat, they also struggle with the toll their disease or illness takes on their body.
But now I am here to tell you there is GOOD NEWS! We found easy solutions and now many other people are incorporating our ideas into their daily lives. More good news! They are so happy they found our services to help them enjoy a Farr Better Lifestyle with Farr Better Recipes!
Feel free to leave a comment or ask questions about this information.
See the stories 
Of how we have touched the lives of other people on page “Testimonials”.
Farr Better Store Options to shop for your recipe ingredients
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